Struggling with Social Media? See how BLOOM bloomed on social media! 

Ever feel like your social media strategy is a bit like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks? You’re not alone! One common problem most companies face with social media is the lack of a proper process, no analytics to review increasing and decreasing numbers, and not enough brainstorming and re-strategizing. Just like this brand, they experienced some challenges with their previous social media partner.

Hey everyone, it’s Curie! Let’s get a drumroll going because I’m thrilled to introduce our client spotlight of the week.. it’s Bloom! They’ve been on board with us for a few months now, and it’s been such a blast managing their social media and seeing some of their numbers go up. 

Ready for some behind-the-scenes fun? Let’s dive into how we kick things off with our awesome clients. 

First things first, we always start with a meeting. Whether it’s a Zoom call, you swinging by our office, or us visiting yours, we want to make sure we’re totally in sync. It’s all about getting to know your brand so we can whip up the perfect package just for you.

Take Bloom.gcc, for example. Mr. Amin, the brand’s amazing Managing Director, visited our office to discuss about his social media needs. We brainstormed some cool ideas like creating killer content, setting up activation stands, teaming up with influencers, using models, and more. After gathering all the details, we put together a customized social media package for him.

Then, Mr. Amin invited us to their amazing office, and wow, what a treat! Not only did we get to taste their incredible products (we’re still dreaming about the baobab drinks!), but we also learned some fun facts about their unique flavors. Did you know that Baobab can only be found in Africa? Pretty cool, right? We’ll keep some secrets for later though!

 Once our clients sign their onboarding file, we’re ready to roll! We send over a fun onboarding questionnaire to dive deeper into their world—learning about their vision, their competition, past social media woes, and all the juicy details to help us make magic together. 

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Working closely with Bloom, we really got to understand their brand inside out, including their core values and who they’re trying to reach. It turns out, Snapchat is super effective for connecting with their Arab audience. So, we not only set up their profiles across different platforms but also launched them on YouTube! Through this process, we were able to study them even deeper and tailor our strategy accordingly. This is important since it feels like they’re telling the story of their own brand to us, fellow storytellers!

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After that, we put together your monthly calendar by crafting a proposal that we’ll send your way. It lays out the posting schedule, content inspiration for each day, captions, and even the creative direction so you can easily see how it all fits together.

Once we’ve sent it over for our client’s review, we’ll schedule a meeting to dive deeper into the details. For Bloom, the team decided to bring in models for their meta reels and YouTube ads to make a real impact, and it was a lot of fun! Our challenge with Bloom involved handling three models, as we aimed to portray an Arab family realistically on their YouTube channel. Our team assisted in sourcing the models, providing a PDF portfolio for clients to easily scroll through and select their favorites.

The team had everything ready to roll—mood boards, shot lists, and all the gear for a smooth shoot—and it went like a breeze! Working with the three models was a blast for those two hours; they loved the Bloom drinks so much that the young child model even asked to take some home!

Mr. Amin and the team could just kick back in their office and let us handle the shoot. We not only nailed the YouTube ad but also went beyond our planned number of reels. After the shoot, we filled them in on how it all went down, gave them the schedule on when to expect their assets, and  upcoming posting plans. 

After closely monitoring our client’s social media performance, we noticed their average views were typically around 300-400. However, our initial TikTok post skyrocketed to over 1,000 views organically—without any ad spend! Since then, our consistent postings have been consistently hitting 500-700+ views organically.

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So, here’s the scoop from the recent months: we’ve been spicing things up with all the trendy tricks on meta platforms—cool transitions, upbeat jams, and user-generated goodies like ASMR and easy-peasy recipes and DIY videos. And you know what? Even though these posts are totally organic, they’re numbers are still increasing! 

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Since the day we started posting for BLOOM, the numbers have been gradually increasing across the board—from followers and engagements to website clicks. It might not be an instant 1,000 or 10,000 followers overnight, but what we are after is the continuous growth day by day for the brand.

We have also produced 197 contents (mixture of static, reels and stories), started hosting amazing giveaways, posting trendy, DIY and recipe videos that all contributed to the performance growth of the brand through those months and take note, majority of the contents are organic! A planner on Instagram even messaged the brand if they wanted to be a part of their upcoming event.

We really enjoy working with the Bloom team. Mr. Amin and Dr. Nada have been incredibly generous in sharing their ideas and suggestions during our meetings. It’s so easy to collaborate with them, and we truly appreciate their openness. There are challenges, but we keep working hard because we want to meet and even exceed their expectations for our team.

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These numbers are the blueprint of not only the social media brand presence we have built but also the great relationship and collaboration between our team and team Bloom—something we will always treasure.

Working with Bloom is a blast, especially with Dr. Nada and Mr. Amin. Brainstorming sessions are easy since we can visualize our ideas and collaborate on suggestions. Their unique products even teach us new things, and honestly, the baobab drink is my personal favorite! So if you’re craving for something healthy but still taste delicious, consider placing your order here and beat the summer heat with BLOOM!  

Feeling like you need a break while keeping your social media buzzing 24/7? Click this for a free 15-minute consultation call!

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About Melrish

Melon here! My husband and I founded The MelRish Studio in 2009. I’m a photographer, filmmaker, entrepreneur, traveler, wife, mom, and a follower of Christ. This blog is my musings about our adventures, growing our team, the events and brand stories that we tell, and the lessons we learn along the way.

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