5 Video Ad Tips to Grab Your Viewer’s Attention

Don’t skip this ad! Here are 5 video ad tips to grab your viewer’s attention in 5 seconds!

With the human attention span going shorter and shorter, the competition of video ads to grab their viewer’s attention gets stiffer. A human’s attention span is now officially shorter than a goldfish’s.

So creating video content that can grab a viewer’s attention in the first 5 seconds is critical…before they press that skip ad button.
We have rounded up our top 5 video ad tips to help you plan and create videos that will pique your viewer’s interest and

Start strong

video ad tip

Nothing makes you skip a video than a weak and boring start. Our first video ad tip is to start strong with a punch or something cinematic. Choose the right music or best shot. Starting with a powerful clip or upbeat music can grab your viewer’s attention easily.

Get to the Point as soon as possible

video ad tip

Dragging videos are the worst. You are already watching a video for 15 seconds and you still do not have a clue what is it all about and the scenes are not leading you anywhere. Before you know it, your viewer has already skipped your video without you getting to your message or call to action. Remove unnecessary scenes. Keep all the clips in your video relevant. You are producing a video ad, not a movie.
In Abbott’s video ad, you already know that the ad is talking about diabetes and the problem it presents in selecting your food in a humorous and entertaining way


Appeal to the Emotions

Videos that can easily connect to the viewers are videos that appeal to emotions. When people relate to your video, they tend to watch until the end and they tend to remember the video more. Like Maya Angelou said, “..People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” It is the same with video. Our third and one of our favorite video ad tips – make your viewers feel they are heard. Make them feel that you sympathize with them and you understand them. Nothing is more powerful than that.

Use the element of surprise of surprise or mystery

grab viewer's attention

I like videos that have an element of surprise and mystery. Start your video with a question or present the problem you are trying to solve in an exaggerated way. Your viewers will watch until the end to see the resolution or outcome. 

In this powerful Dove video, the viewers are curious about what the actual person looks like without the manipulation of the apps. The message at the end is powerful and very timely 

Be unique, be bold

video ad tips

Do not start your video with how most boring videos start theirs. Corporate videos with a building facade or a panning shot of their products or a restaurant or shop video with their shop front shot. Or a Dubai-based business that starts with Dubai landscape and landmarks. These have all been done before and have been used so many times. Don’t be afraid to stand out and be bold. Those techniques will not grab your viewer’s attention.
And this probably is one of the boldest ads we have seen this year. Kudos to the creative team at Emirates Airlines.

If you don’t want your viewers to skip your ad, create compelling and attention-grabbing videos. I know most of these videos have been produced with a large budget but the video ad tips we have shared on how to grab your viewer’s attention in 5 seconds can be used in producing videos for SMEs and start-ups too. You just need to be creative.
Do you have any video ad tips you want to share? And if you need help in producing a video ad for your business or brand, our creative super-team is here to help! Contact us

Picture of Melrish Perez

Melrish Perez

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About Melrish

Melon here! My husband and I founded The MelRish Studio in 2009. I’m a photographer, filmmaker, entrepreneur, traveler, wife, mom, and a follower of Christ. This blog is my musings about our adventures, growing our team, the events and brand stories that we tell, and the lessons we learn along the way.

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